Privacy Policy - Etnicea

Here you will find the privacy policy of Etnicea. We ask you to read this policy carefully to understand what information will be collected from you when you access any of the Etnicea websites, use its services or makes purchases. Etnicea does not sell your information to third parties.

Etnicea considers your privacy as important. Etnicea processes personal data to enable its services in accordance with the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation. Here you can read which data Etnicea collects and why exactly that data is needed. Do you have further questions about privacy regarding your visit to Etnicea? You can email your questions to

Data controller


Company Building

Henri Dunantlaan 2

9728 HD, Groningen The Netherlands, Europe


1. Data Etnicea May Collect

Etnicea processes personal data in the following cases:

- When you fill in a contact form or have contact via different means.

- When you maintain mail traffic with Etnicea;

- When you make a request for quotation;

When you order a product through Etnicea. The following data may be collected by Etnicea if they are provided by you:

- Your first name

- Your last name

- Your home address

- Your postal code

- Your place of residence

- Your billing address

- Your phone number

- Your email address

- Your company name, if applicable

- Your Chamber of Commerce number, if applicable

- Your VAT number, if applicable

This information could be necessary to provide the services and products Etnicea offers through its websites. This information will not be shared with 3rd parties.

2. Etnicea & Mollie Payments 

Etnicea works with Mollie Payments. Mollie Payments handles and processes all payments from Etnicea. You will therefore also see Mollie Payments listed on invoices. Refunds are also facilitated via Mollie Payments. Mollie Payments can process the following data when you, as a customer, purchase a product or receive an invoice resulting from a requested quotation or order placed at Etnicea or its ventures: - Your payment details (bank/credit card number;- Your IP address;- Your internet browser and device type;- In some cases, your first and last name;- In some cases, your address details;- In some cases, information about the product or service that you purchased from the customer of Mollie Payments (in this context Etnicea);- Other personal data that you actively provide, for example in correspondence and / or by telephone. Do you want to know more about the privacy Policy of Mollie Payments? Click here ←

3. Etnicea & Ecwid 

Etnicea uses Ecwid Webshop plug-in to run the web shops on the websites of Etnicea. When customers place an order at one of the Etnicea websites, Ecwid can process the following information from you:-      Your name;-      Your address;-      Your postal code;-      Your phone number This data is accessible to Etnicea in its control panel from Ecwid and stored for 7 years to be subsequently removed by Etnicea after the expiry of that period. Ecwid acts as a transmitter between Etnicea - customer - Mollie Payments. Ecwid does not process bank details of Lost Gen Company customers.Would you like to know more about Ecwid's privacy Policy? Click here ←

4. Security and retention time 

Etnicea stores your personal data for the completion of assignments and the delivery of services and products. For invoices and financial administration, your name, company name, invoice address, Chamber of Commerce number, VAT number, telephone number, e-mail and remaining balance are processed. Without this information it is not possible to process payments. Following the obligations of the tax authorities, Etnicea is to keep this data for 7 years. When this period has expired, your data will be deleted permanently.

5. Research and privacy

Etnicea has no interest in your personal data other than needing it for payment processing, invoicing, orders, requests for quotations and further correspondence between Etnicea and customer. When Etnicea does research into its customer base, this is actively made clear to the customer and asked for approval to participate in a specific survey. All data acquired during research is anonymized. Research may include, for example:- The region you come from in combination with your age- The type of service or order purchased per region in combination with your age.

6. Etnicea & third parties 

Etnicea does not provide personal data to third parties, unless this proves necessary for business operations or due to legal obligations. In both cases you will be informed of the data exchange and where necessary your permission will be requested. The information you provide to Etnicea are also not sold to third parties.

7. Use of your equipment

Etnicea processes (and edits) your photos and videos only for you, the client. Etnicea will not post photos of clients or others on its own website (s) nor distribute them via one or more Social Media accounts of Etnicea. Unless Lost Gen. The Company and client / author / entitled party have agreed that publication (or posting) is permitted. Etnicea will always ask for your permission.

8. Privacy & Complaints

If you have complaints regarding the services of Etnicea and the way we process data Etnicea will collect the given name, email and, if provided, a telephone number plus the content of your complaint in order to work towards a solution. Data provided and obtained in this way is kept for a maximum of 7 years. The data you have provided can be deleted at your request. For this you can contact Vidacolores LGC at You can also contact the Dutch Data Protection Authority. Did you find an image / photo / design on one of the websites of Etnicea. Company that you personally own, but did not authorize its usage. Please contact directly.

9. Final provision

Etnicea advises you to regularly consult the privacy statement given that changes can be made to it by Lost Gen. The privacy conditions stated on the websites of Etnicea are applicable at the time you place an order on, or purchase services from Etnicea or its ventures.

10. Etnicea Cookie Statement

Etnicea uses "session cookies" and "session storage" on its websites. Session cookies are functional cookies, intended to make the website work properly. These cookies contain a different, temporary number each time you visit the website. The session cookies are deleted after you close your browser.



Etnicea uses session cookies to check whether your device, such as your computer, laptop or smartphone, supports JavaScript. JavaScript ensures, among other things, that you see drop-down menus on the website. If your device does not support JavaScript, the website will not be displayed properly.



Etnicea also uses the session cookies to make online forms work properly. Such as contact forms and quotation forms. The session cookies are deleted after you close your browser.

Session storage


Session storage is a form of temporary storage of data, just like session cookies are. We only use session storage to store information about the structure of the website in your browser. Session storage ensures that you can easily click through the list of topics on the website. No personal data from you will be collected.


Website statistics

We use a statistics program from Hostnet BV to analyze which pages are visited the most, which search engine is used and which referrers there are. This data is completely anonymous and cannot be traced back to you as a person.


Content from third parties

This website contains content from third parties as described in the Etnicea Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Etnicea uses the Ecwid Webshop plug-in to offer products and has a partnership with Mollie Payments for payment processing.

- Updated 14/09/2022, by Etnicea -

Privacy policy